an introduction to the homeless writer
Hello, welcome to my blog which I started because I'm an aspiring writer and maybe some of you who accidentally stumbled on here are also interested in writing, or storytelling in any of the many forms it comes in. Everyone has a different story on how they figured out their dream was to be a storyteller. For some they just naturally gravitated towards books because it was easier dealing with fictional characters then real people, others might have been complimented on your storytelling and thought hmm if I’m naturally a good verbal storyteller I might as well put it in writing. Personally for me was dreams, it all started when I was the age of 9 and I used to have these vivid dreams, from the cartoons I used to watch to the people in my life. And I used to remember every bit of the dream from the night before. Naturally being the biggest blabber mouth, talkative child in my family that could never keep a secret I had to tell my siblings. This led to after...